
some Photos news

Best comment ever!

image from...HERE!

Monkey Likes Shiny: Gravity Bike!
Figured I should post these today since John stirred things up for Monkey Likes Shiny yesterday!

image from...HERE!

After Jeff got kicked out of the 2011 NAHBS for being way too awesome and not confining to the rules and regulations given to certain builders(who are perceived as riffraff), he asked me to come along for a joy ride on one of the bikes originally intended for the show. After being told he could no longer participate, Jeff thought he had all the time in the world. Little did he know I would be asking him to construct the bike-racks for my new shop and that the San Diego Custom Bicycle Show was just around the corner.

image from...HERE!

This thing is absolutely insane...perfectly capable of traveling over 80mph and definitely isn't an eyesore!

image from...HERE!

You can run your eyes along those lines for days discovering all the details and trying to figure out how the thing is even held together. It was actually hard for me to photograph this bike because I didn't have any clue what I was looking at.

image from...HERE!

Vel d'Hiv Board Game!

image from...HERE!

As you can see Vel d'Hiv was the place to be. The above image is a French board game produced to simulate the good times had at the 6 Days by everyone. The racers, the aristocrats, the prostitutes, and the gamblers.
Nifty story and few other Vintage Cycling Toys...HERE!

And this is what he was talking about!
Vel d’Hiv!

The structure housing the track which you can see better...HERE! Was originally constructed for the 1900 World's Fair. In 1909 the Velodrome was built along with facilities for ice-hockey, boxing, etc. In 1924 the Vel d'Hiv even played host to the (Summer)Olympic Games.

