Erik Noren of Peacock Groove isn’t one to ever be considered understated, and neither are his bikes. While perfectly capable of building most any style steel bike around, left to his own devices Erik’s vision is rarely a classic less-is-more beauty. Up the volume, Erik likes it loud. I stopped in the shop and had a chance to see an upcoming show bike prior to paint, what will eventually become and Evil Dead 2 themed track bike. Slashed logos, pierced headtube, spikes—completely impractical but eye catching to say the least. Think having to saw off your own possessed hand to save yourself and perhaps you’ll understand, or at least have some idea where the various points and slashes in the bike will go once paint is applied. Over the top, as I’d expect from Peacock Groove.
Always one of my favorites, I’m looking forward to seeing this bike come the first weekend of March in Sacramento at NAHBS 2012.