不過喜歡TOM 又剛好沒看到的可以看看 了解ㄧ下
I Rode My Bike Like A BMX Bike

This past weekend we had the chance to meet up with Tom and shoot some photos of him for our first rider profile. I have known Tom for a long time, so it made sense to start with him. Jessop and myself met up with Tom at city hall and the first thing he said was how he had been eyeing up this ledge all morning (photograph above). First hit, Tom got his back wheel stuck between the rail and the ledge, but seemed to have no problem after that. Needless to say the rest of the day was full of more great photos and just sick riding.

Photo Cred: Ronnie Bullets
OOPM: If you walked into a room and your theme music came on, what would it be?
Tom: Uhhhhh…
OOPM: When you started riding, was it BMX? How long did you do that, and why did you start riding fixed?
Tom: I have been riding BMX for 8 years now. Originally transportation, I didn’t know how to adjust derailleurs, it’s fun.

Photo Cred: Ronnie Bullets
OOPM: Prolly said not too long ago “If it weren’t for Philly, it’d be hard to tell where fixed freestyle would be today.” Being a Philly rider do you see it the same way?
Tom: Marc Makos, and Jason were some of the original Philly dudes, no one gives them enough cred.
OOPM: What’s your favorite city to ride?
Tom: Philly, London.
OOPM: What makes this destination your favorite city to ride?Tom: Home. Great spots. Great food.
OOPM: Do you have a favorite photo, that someone else took of you?
Tom: The one of me about to eat shit at the Brooklyn Banks.

Photo cred : John Hargraft
OOPM: When it comes to Van Halen, David Lee Roth, or Hagar?
Tom: Rollins.
OOPM: How long have you been riding fixed?
Tom: 4 years.
OOPM: Who are your sponsors? How did you come about getting sponsored?
Tom: Charge Bikes, Profile Racing, Velocity, Answer, and SAG all help me out a ton. I rode my bike like a BMX bike.

OOPM: What should be the punishment for a bike thief?
Tom: They should have to live in South Jersey.
OOPM: Have you ever thrown around some street justice?
OOPM: I know you’ve been all over the world, Japan, England, etc…What is the unhealthy diet of touring like? What is the strangest thing to end up in your gullet?
Tom: All I want to do is visit different places now. Japan had the best food, I didn’t know what I was eating half the time, but it tasted great.
OOPM: What are you afraid of?
Tom: Losing fingers.
OOPM: What are you into besides riding?
Tom: Graffiti, traveling, skating, music, leather jackets, being an asshole.
OOPM: The fixed freestyle scene is pretty much exploding, do you see this as a good thing or a bad thing?
Tom: Not sure yet. Lots of inflated egos.
OOPM: Have you ever jumped over a pool of laser sharks or through a flaming hoop?
Tom: Not yet. I would rather it be a pool of naked women.

Photo Cred: Ronnie Bullets
This was just nuts. That bar was just higher than bar height on a BMX.

Photo Cred: Jessop Kozink
OOPM: Any plans to leave Philly to live somewhere else?
Tom: Who knows. I would always have to come back to Philly. I love it here.
OOPM: What would you miss if you had to leave Philadelphia tomorrow?
Tom: Family, friends, Delco, cheese steaks.
OOPM: Currently what’s your favorite bike part?
Tom: Spline drive sprocket, without this BMX cranks feel like junk.

Photo Cred: Jessop Kozink
OOPM: What’s on your bike set up right now?
Tom: Frame: Charge Scissor Prototype
Fork: Charge Scissor
Headset: Chris King
Stem: Answer 50mm 31.8
Bars: Answer Pro Taper 2″ rise 31.8
Grips: ODI Longneck
Cranks: Profile Race 165mm
Pedals: Odyssey Twisted PC
Foot Retention: Hold Fast
Chainring / Sprocket: Profile spline drive 36T,14T Profile cog
Chain: Charge Masher 1/2 link
Seatpost: Charge 27.2
Saddle: Some old freeride saddle with oversize rails
Rims: Velocity P35 front, Chukker rear
Hubs: Profile Fixed 36h fix/fix
Tires: Schwalbe 2.35 Big Apple, 2.0 Bontrager
OOPM: Final words?
Tom: Sorry I slacked so much on getting this done, I know I’m a shithead. Hahaha. We should definitely go out and shoot more one of these days.
Want to see more photos? CLICK HERE
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