女生騎名車 Keo Spin 輪框還跟衣服搭配 實在蠻用心的
Pretty in pink Kabi @ SHIOKAZE'11.
Photo credit: Kyoichi Ozaki
Michalina working the hop.
Photo source: Silesia Fixed
Punk Rawk有趣的狗嘴
Not my cup of tea, but I bet there is a sleuth of punks lurking these by Us Versus Them.
Shiokaze 2011 Winner: Osaka Funny
剛比完賽 拿到金牌的 Funny 在日本FIXED GEAR 前途無限遠
也是台灣單速車商家BB17在日本經銷商 贊助選手
Photo by Hiroyuki Nakagawa